Having a ball! The Bar Charity Ball raises over £20,000

Pictured above: Grainne Close, Autism Initiatives, Sinead McKeagney, Charity Committee, Paddy Wallace, Autism Initiatives Patron and Dr Raman Kapur, Threshold

The Bar Library held its annual charity ball on Saturday 3rd October to raise funds for Threshold and Autism Initiatives N.I.

The charity ball was held in the Culloden Hotel and was attended by approximately 230 barristers and their guests who took part in a raffle and auction raising.

Sinead McKeagney, Chair of the Bar Charity Committee stated;

“I am glad to say the members of the Bar library turned out in force to support the Bar Library Charity Ball in aid of Autism Initiatives and Threshold. The night raised over £20,000 for the charities and this is due in no small part to the sponsors who so generously supported the event.”

Grainne Close, National Director of Autism Initiatives N.I commented

“We are delighted to be chosen as the Bar Library Charity of the Year. This gives Autism Initiatives an opportunity to raise our profile and awareness of Autism Spectrum Condition in Northern Ireland. Support from the Bar Library will give our health and wellbeing projects much needed support.”

Dr Raman Kapur, CEO Threshold said

“We would like to thank the Bar Library for organising such a wonderful evening at the Culloden Hotel, helping us to raise the profile of Threshold and our work supporting those suffering from mental ill health. Their kindness and generosity on the evening was overwhelming and we are very proud to have been chosen as one of the Bar’s ‘Charity of the year’.”

We would also like to extend our thanks to the following sponsors for their support and generous donations: Danske Bank Private Banking, Bob Ellison, David Russell, John Morgan Panther Purchasing, Irish Landmark Trust Properties, Sir Paul Girvan, H3 Health Insurance, Paddy and Tina Wallace, The Hill Family, Baroness D’Souza, Fred Funk Footwear, Nouvelle Cuisine, W5, Robert Lamrock and the Delorean Owners Association, Tesco Stores Ltd, Shu, Briefed, Fred J Malcolm Jewellery, Abbey Kitchens and Bathrooms, Mr Stephen Kher, Mr Toney Hill, Investec Ltd, Cunningham Coates Investment Brokers, The Albany, Hair Liberaton, Mr Anthony Harbinson, Mr Michael Toner and United Airlines.

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